Monday, August 16, 2010



Vision is an expression that doesn't merely state what products and services an organization intends to deliver. It states that organization's dreams in action, and also, a picture of a desired or preferred state in the future. It is known as a statement that captures the organization's human meaning and value. The members of the organization revolves around the vision of the organization to be able to know how to act inside the organization itself and be able to deliver and achieve the desired state of the organization. The functions of the organization is to inspire the employees to do their best and at the same time energize them to make a difference in the organization through their work. With a vision in the organization, it helps and guides members in decision making and also instructs them to make the right decisions and stay on the same course.

Mission is a synthesis of what members and customers see as the business of the organization. It is built on core values which the members of the organization base their approach to the customers. The elements of an effective mission includes a clear statement on what, who, how and why of the organization. What - is what the customers need in terms of products and services; Who - the customers that are involved in the organization be it internal or external; How - these are the methods in which the organization conducts its business; and, Why - this is the belief system of the organization, where overriding purpose in actions and commitments take place.

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